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At More Than a Box Co, we understand that self-care is more than just a physical activity. It’s a journey of self-discovery, learning to love and appreciate yourself, and recognising your worth. That’s why we’ve created self-care boxes filled with items to help you with self-compassion, empowerment, and mental health. We’re dedicated to helping you find the strength and courage to be your true self. After all, we believe that you matter, you are enough, and you are loved. Join us today and start on your journey of self-care and self-discovery.

We Are Glad you are here. Hello Sunshine with a graphic of a sun



15% of proceeds from any purchase go to a Mental Health organisation. 

Mental Health Club

Take Time for Yourself & Your Mental Health.

20 self-love affirmations, pink background, png
I can bracelet


More Than a Box Co.

At More Than a Box Co., our online store is a haven for those seeking self-care and stress relief at affordable prices. Our primary focus revolves around carefully curated self-care and de-stress boxes, promoting the importance of looking after your mental health and bringing more awareness to mental health/ illness. Beyond these specialty boxes, our diverse range of individual products includes unique gifts, comfortable tees, inspiring prints, and expressive stickers. We cater to various interests and offer unique selections for dog lovers, arts and crafts enthusiasts, and those passionate about mental health awareness apparel. Our collection extends to journaling supplies, delightful products for kids, and thoughtful items for men. Every product in our inventory is thoughtfully chosen to bring joy, encourage individuals to take time for themselves and provide a respite from the stress of day-to-day life. At More Than a Box Co., we believe in fostering well-being through various products that contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

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Prioritise Your Mental Health with Us.

We believe that self-care goes beyond just treating ourselves occasionally. We offer boxes, products, and apparel to make you feel good from the inside out. Make Self-care to support your mental health simple like it's meant to be. Our products are selected to help make you and your environment feel brighter, support your mental health, and help add self-care to your daily routine—perfect gifts for a loved one or yourself.




At More Than a Box Co, we believe self-care is essential for everyone. Our curated selection of gift boxes, filled with love & support, is perfect for anyone. Our packages have been created to help people who struggle with mental health, to support mental health in general, & to help people put themselves first.

self care boxes


More Than a Box Co was created with the intention of supporting people in their journey to self-care, mental health, and self-compassion. We provide boxes full of love and support with all you need to help you slow down and put yourself first. Each box is carefully curated to provide a unique and meaningful experience that will bring joy and comfort to your day-to-day. Delivered to your door, our boxes provide a special treat for you to enjoy.


At More Than a Box Co, we believe in the power of self-care. Our mission is to help you take time for yourself and support you through the hard times we all experience. Our boxes are filled with love and support, and are a reminder to prioritize your own well-being.

Self-care, self-compassion, self-empowerment


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